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Me Books Community

No special talents required, just a need to be passionately curious!

Curiosity is the desire and interest to know and learn more. Children are curious natures they'll want to learn about the wonders of the world. Why is the sky blue? Does the tooth fairy really exist? Any of this ringing a bell? So how do we nurture children's curiosity? Well for starters, we could always model curiosity ourselves by showing interests, trying out new hobbies and learning and observing new skills. Other than that, we could also ask open-ended questions! There are no right or wrong answers to these kind of questions so go ahead and make conversation with them. They might surprise you!

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For this week's theme, 'Curiosity', we have a drawing game for you! It is called...

Hands out, trace it out!

Ever wondered if you could transform your traced hand gestures into something else? Trace your hand gestures and start from there. Let your imagination run wild!

What you need;

  1. Paper

  2. Pencil

  3. Black marker

  4. Coloured pens/pencils

Here's the steps for you to refer or follow.

Here's a virtual guidance from the Me Books team.

and here are the final results! You may colour them to your liking. Have fun trying!


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