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Fun Sheep Crafts for Play-dates! | 'The Great Sheep Shenanigans' by Peter Bently

The Great Sheep Shenanigans Activities

The Great Sheep Shenanigans by Peter Bently
The Great Sheep Shenanigans

About the Book

"A lamb for my supper will taste mighty fine!" Thought a wily old wolf by the name of Lou Pine.

With a stunningly cunning plan, Lou Pine, finds a disguise that is sure to deliver a lamb stew or two.

But this flock of sheep aren't quite the dumb mutton they seem...

A delighting, fun book for children and even toddlers! The author, Peter Bentley, beautifully wrote the poetic story about all kinds of funny ideas Wolf came up with to have a good lamb feast. A twist at the ending was a funny and clever one, leaving kids giggling at once!


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Hands-on crafts for kids!

Inspired by this amazing book, our team has put together a series of worksheets and craft activities for children aged 3-6! Check out our specially crafted storytelling guide for some simple counting activities, drawing, and worksheets!

Here's a preview some activities for kids taken from the guide:

Fluffy Wolf!

Create your very own undercover wolf in sheep's clothing!

From this activity, kids will:

get creative while relating to the character in the story.

The Great Sheep Shenanigans Activities


Curly Sheep Mask

Create a fluffy sheep mask using the simplest material - paper!

From this activity, kids will:

Recreate a sheep mask while engaging their fine-motor skills during the craft activity!

The Great Sheep Shenanigans Activities

The Great Sheep Shenanigans Activities


Loving the activities so far?

Have a look at more activities planned out based on the book, just download and enjoy!

download free storytelling resources

See also:

nutmeg activities art&craft

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The Great Sheep Shenanigans by Peter bentley
The Great Sheep Shenanigans

The Great Sheep Shenanigans

by Peter Bentley

"A lamb for my supper will taste mighty fine!" Thought a wily old wolf by the name of Lou Pine.

With a stunningly cunning plan, Lou Pine, finds a disguise that is sure to deliver a lamb stew or two.

But this flock of sheep aren't quite the dumb mutton they seem...


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