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Fun Worksheets for Toddlers with 'Rabbit's Wish' by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell

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Rabbit's Wish activities worksheets

About the book

Rabbit's Wish by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell
Rabbit's Wish

Rabbit and Hedgehog are the best of friends, even though Rabbit is awake all day and Hedgehog is only awake at night.

Rabbit finds himself wishing that Hedgehog could stay up all day, just for once, and his wish did come true! But not exactly how he had expected...

The beautiful story 'Rabbit's Wish' was cleverly written and illustrated to introduce children to animal natures, as well as beautifully depicted a genuine friendship one might have! Through playful and close-to-the-heart conversations, Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell effortlessly portrayed the fun times, the down times, and well as the times that might make one worry within a friendship.

Check out some interesting storytelling prompts based on this book in our carefully curated storytelling guide!


Read 'A Little Bit of Winter' by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell on the Me Books App!

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Fun Worksheets for Tiny Toddlers!

Inspired by this amazing book, our team has put together a series of activities for children aged 2-4 years! Check out our specially crafted storytelling guide for some simple drawing and colouring activities, as well as letter tracing worksheets!

Here's a preview some fun worksheets included in the guide:

1. I Wish...

A simple worksheet to encourage creative thinking in children, as well as offering them a chance to illustrate and express their thoughts!

Just like Rabbit had wish for Hedgehog to be awake to play with him in the day, have little ones think about what they might want to wish for, then draw it out in the template below!

*Retrieve the printable template from page 12 of the storytelling guide of this book!

Rabbit's Wish activities worksheets


2. What's in Rabbit's Burrow?

A simple writing worksheet to for children to trace and write!

Recall the story by looking at the illustrations of the book again! Talk with children about what items they noticed or remembered that was in Rabbits burrow, then trace and write the dotted words in the worksheet.

*Retrieve the printable template from page 13 of the storytelling guide of this book!

Rabbit's Wish activities worksheets


3. Swim Team!

Hedgehog reminded Rabbit that there was no need to worry about him if there was a flood, because he could swim perfectly! Talk with your little ones about what other animals they think can swim too, then have them draw and colour in the worksheet below!

*Retrieve the printable template from page 14 of the storytelling guide of this book!

Rabbit's Wish activities worksheets


Loving the activities so far?

Have a look at more storytelling prompts planned out based on the book, just download and enjoy!

download free storytelling resources

Suggestive Reads from the Rabbit and Hedgehog series:

Check out these books on the Me Books App!

The Birthday Presents
A Little Bit of Winter
A Little Bit of Winter
What Do You Remember?
What Do You Remember?


See also:

rabbit's wish worksheets activities

a little bit of winter crafts activities

Related Topic:


Rabbit's Wish by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell

Rabbit's Wish by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell
Rabbit's Wish

Following Rabbit and Hedgehog's journey, here's another delightful story featuring the lovely friendship between this pair of diurnal and nocturnal animals!

Rabbit and Hedgehog are the best of friends, even though Rabbit is awake all day and Hedgehog is only awake at night.

Rabbit finds himself wishing that Hedgehog could stay up all day, just once.

What happens when Rabbit's wish came true but in an unexpected way?


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