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Me Books 3.0, our biggest update ever, is designed for brands, libraries and schools

We've been a little quiet recently, thankfully down to the amount of work we're busying ourselves with. One major project that we're launching as we speak is a comprehensively re-designed and rebuilt Me Books platform.

The ultimate digital books platform

The backend has been moved from SAAS provider Parse to our own custom built Amazon AWS database with a much improved content management system. The system allows for easy management of thousands of titles and hundreds of thousands of users. We've also added the ability for the Me Books platform to import ePub and PDF files which are automatically converted to our proprietary MePub format.

Me Books on any device and in any language

The front end iOS and Android apps have also been completely re-built in Unity to allow for easier updates and management of a single code base across platforms. For the first time ever we will also be adding a Mac and PC desktop version of Me Books to allow folks more access on more devices than ever before. The new platform allows for easy localisation of the interface to suit any market.

Brands, Libraries and Schools

The new Me Books 3.0 will of course be replacing the current Me Books apps. However the platform has been designed to be easily white-labelled and re-skinned for partners and clients who would like to offer the same incredible reading experience to their customers with a dedicated portal. The Me Books engine already powers numerous digital book apps for Penguin Random House, McDonald's and the National Libraries of Egypt with the list of partners growing all the time.

The Me Books story so far

When we started Me Books we wanted to make something that was simple, beautiful and despite being digital, respected the experience of reading a book. So we're thrilled that the little app we made 5 years ago with a handful of vintage Ladybird books in it has grown and evolved beyond our wildest expectations. At last count the Me Books eco-system of apps delights more than 150,000 daily active users who have downloaded just under 2 Million books since launch.


Original Content from Made In Me



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